Younger Days

Your knight in shining armor has gray hair.
 His armor's mottled green.
 His noble brow is wrinkled,
 and his eyes are not as keen
  as they were in younger days.

His valiant steed is dirty blue—
 eats gas instead of grain.
 His snoring is a poor exchange
 for the dragons he has slain
  in those missing, younger days.

He sees your faults and failings,
 and that time has touched you, too.
 But his heart still beats steady
 with the love he has for you
  even more than younger days.

Usually, I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. I consider it the day when the amateurs who have been sloughing off for the other 364.2425 days of the year attempt to make up for it with paltry gifts, flowers, and perhaps a dinner. But one year I was inspired.

Copyright © 2016 by Robert W. Dills