Strings of My Heart

The strings of my heart lie broken;
they will not play for thee.
The notes are wrong, I’ve lost my song;
I have no melody.

O the rain brings the tears of heaven,
to wash away the stain,
of blood in the earth of life’s full worth
‘till only the memories remain.

The breeze brings the touch of heaven,
to calm, to soothe, to heal,
through remembered screams and bloody dreams
a touch I cannot feel.

The strings of my heart lie broken;
they will not play for me.
And though I try, I can’t deny;
I’ve lost my melody.

The night brings the peace of heaven,
to rest the weary soul.
For me no sleep, both soft and deep,
to ever make me whole.

The wind brings no sounds of battle.
The guns are cold and still.
No peace of mind in me I find
the war is in me still.

The strings of my heart lie broken.

Note:This evolved from a dream inspired by conversations with friends who were Army nurses in Vietnam.

Copyright © 2016 by Robert W. Dills